Transmission imagines the beautiful story that Nam June Paik sought to tell through lasers. In an interview, Paik once said, “Laser beams are very mystical, sweet, and sublime.” The artist who observed technology through the lens of art: Paik created art using media that sent and received signals at frequencies, from electronic music and video to lasers. For Paik, who manipulated television signals to make colorful images and broadcast them for people to enjoy, the laser was a more vibrant and alluring medium that used broader frequency bands. The light emitted by the laser and its oating traces could occupy an innite space beyond the connes of the television screen. The laser technology allowed Paik to dream anew, who had limited mobility in his later years.
The exhibition invites us to New York in 2002. We can see the preparation process of the exhibition, which displayed cars full of worn-out machines and the laser tower emitting glamorous and brilliant light, the day of the opening, and stories behind the production of the work. Symbols of the machine age and the information age unfold before our eyes once again as we pass through the exhibition hall and step out into the open air like a passage back in time.
We live in an information age that Paik had foreseen through laser light. Paik envisioned a media environment where humans and technology coexist harmoniously. Transmission revitalizes Paik’s laser from two decades ago, aspiring to deliver his message about the media landscape to audiences.
Highlight of the exhibition is a vibrant and breathtaking laser show, which will captivate the audience outside Nam June Paik Art Center from 5pm to 8pm. The tower’s laser cuts through the woods and hills, creating a spectacular landscape. A media environment that balances technology, information, and ecology, as envisioned by Paik 20 years ago, unfolds before audiences’ eyes.