Manfred Montwé took a photograph of Chronicle of a Beautiful Paintress, featured in Nam June Paik’s first solo show, Exposition of Music — Electronic Television held at Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, in March 1963. Paik wrote a few scores for Fluxus artist Alison Knowles. Chronicle of a Beautiful Paintress, instructs Knowles to dye different national flags with her menstrual blood each month, the American flag in January, Burmese in February, Chinese in March, Ethiopian in April, French in May, German in June, Hungarian in July, Irish in August, Jamaican in September, Congolese in October, Mongolian in November, Russian in December; and to display them in the gallery. Knowles actualized this score and provided four national flags for the Exposition of Music. On each side of a frame of an article about the Cuban missile crisis published on a German newspaper in 1961, hung four stained flags of Germany, Turkey, the UK, and Denmark Knowles had provided.