eobchae, an audio-visual production consisting of three artists – Kim Nahee, Oh Cheonseok, and Hwang Hwi -, mainly showcases works that address social issues from a critical perspective using and adopting contemporary audio-visual media which have been spreading at an accelerated pace in the post-internet era, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Ryu Sungsil portrays the narratives of black comedy created by tracing consumption patterns through the media, including installation, performance, and media.

1. Please introduce yourself and your work.
My name is Oh Cheon-seok. What I do in eobchae is to edit all kinds of documents. eobchae is a collective of three artists – Kim Nahee(@nahee.app), Oh Cheon-seok and Hwang Hwi(@hwhwi_._). And we are friends of Ryu Sungsil, a total artist committed to Korean indigenousness.
Led by Kim Nahee, eobchae continued the project Daddy Residency throughout the year 2020. Ryu recently presented a new version of the series Big King Travel optimized for the mobile environment.
2. How did you find it to take part in the project Random Access?
It was great. Around the time the curator contacted us to invite, we were trying to extend the width of resolution and theme. At that time, we often felt that the themes we had dealt with were geographically Korea-centered. With this timely and precious opportunity that came to us, we decided to dare to try several things we wanted to do, thinking we could go further. We were lucky that the curator was willing to accept our ideas and challenges. Looking back on that time, it was probably not easy to present video work by a rising artist at a public museum even with a synopsis that is difficult to understand.
3. Your works seems to critically look into social phenomena by drawing on or appropriating audiovisual media that have been accelerating such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Nam June Paik was also keen on using contemporary media that were expanding at the time, and I hink that your works are in a way in line with Paik’s who used and adopted the language of media, and its production, distribution and consumption system. Which part of you do you think is personally or artistically connected to the artist Nam June Paik?
I don’t know much about him to talk about a personal connection. However, we are not free from his influences, who actively incorporated communication media into artistic ones. It does not matter whether we are conscious or not. we care or not.
4. Tell us more about Cherry-Go-Round showcased in Random Access.
We are currently working on another project, but we’ll try to bring back the memory of the work. Cherry-Go-Round created in collaboration with Ryu tells a story of the future of the system. Would there be a system and capacity to control global events? Wouldn’t the measures to cope with unprecedented disasters be actually maintaining the status quo, wrapped up in marketing? Could a control system that completely encloses the orders of people and things like Chinese authoritarianism be an alternative? The work was born out of these somewhat unfocused questions. When it comes to the synopsis is… whenever we try to explain it, I feel distracted, we feel kind of faint. We recommend watching it yourself someday.
5. After Random Access, you have shown different projects of exhibitions, screening and performances. Could you tell us about the activities you have engaged in since Random Access and about your future plans?
At this moment we are filling out the interview questionnaire, eobchae is presenting the abovementioned project of Daddy Residency in the form of media installation as part of the exhibition Reality Errors at Nam June Paik Art Center. Ryu recently showcased an interactive work entitled Never Ending Family at Osisun and Museumhead.
Daddy Residency Deluxe http://deluxe.daddy-residency.com
Never Ending Family http://you-never-die.xyz
Next year, eobchae is planning to compile our projects we conducted in 2020 in a sequential order on the website provisionally named Daddy Residency Deluxe. Ryu will make a fortune.
6. Do you have any comments or episodes you would like to share about Random Access?
Watching the video, people were wondering about the scene shot in Songdo. Why isn’t there anybody in the background? It is because Hwang erased them all.